Plant-Based Water Bottle - 700ml

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The future of water bottles is here, again! Other bottles are made entirely of petroleum but this one is made from plants! They feel the same and hold water the same but are more sustainable.

  • BIG BOTTLE FOR BIG HYDRATION: 700ml bottle is perfect for longer rides! 
  • PLANT-BASED: Made from wheat (70% wheat/30% LDPE)



Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

I've spent my whole life watering plants, and FINALLY they have decided to water me back. I love this bottle almost as much as I love my now two-way relationship with plants. Ride bikes, drink out of plants, pet dogs, and help turtles cross the road! Highly recommend!!!

Buchanan Payton
It's the initiative

Good light weight bottle. Works as expected. The perk is that it is half plant based. No other company has done that. To me the initiative counts. I would recommend this to anyone interested.


Better then my Yeti! Everyone should have one of these AMAZING water bottles! I’m buying 5 more as gifts for friends!

Cheryl Lahr
Looks great haven’t used yet

It looks great and I love that it’s made out of plants and sure it will be great

Matthew Testa
Cool but it’s still plastic

Love your ski wax products and this looks cool too. But I think it’s important to be fully transparent about what’s in items that are sold as “plant-based”. This bottle contains LDPE, which is plastic. While it can be recycled in theory, in practice a mere 2% of LDPE in the US is recycled. And one wonders how the corn-based material impacts recyclability. The LDPE is also probably not biodegradable.

So, this looks like a great bottle and I will consider ordering one - it probably (hopefully) is less toxic than other bottles and I appreciate what you are trying to do. However, as much as we all want to kick plastic, it’s not easy and I think it’s worth asking if something can fairly be labeled plant-based when it’s 30% plastic. “Plant-based” for me implies no plastic. It’s fair to say that less plastic went into making this product than others but it’s hard to even say less fossil fuels were used because of how energy intensive corn crops are.

There are no easy answers, I realize, except metal bottles and just buying fewer bottles unless you really need them. In any case, thanks for pushing for less toxic outdoor products. I really appreciate what you are doing.

Hey Matthew - thanks for taking the time to write this and for bringing up some excellent points. We do our best to be upfront about the plastic (LDPE) composition in the bottles and can acknowledge that this bottle is indeed not a perfect solution but a big step in the right direction as we move toward a 100% plant-based bottle. We've worked hard to actualize that product but the technology isn't quite there yet which is why we landed on a bottle that is a 70% reduction in virgin plastic, comparatively.

We encourage all of our customers to be asking these hard questions and engaging in these dialogues. That is the way we move the industry forward. Thank you again for taking the time and please don't hesitate to continue to reach out and check us.

Happy trails!

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